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This is an “Inflammatory” Advice! One is almost certain to get injured occasionally due to various reasons - and millions do suffer from sports related injuries every year. It could be your bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments or any other structure.  The body always responds to an injury with a predictable inflammatory response, as a first step towards healing. It’s an immune response to protect it. It’s generally localised and it gets better

Twin Hacks for Dual Problems Ask any doctor, what should I do to lower my blood sugar (glucose) level? With a high likelihood one of the things he will say to you, “include fibre in your diet and start going for morning/evening walks, every day”.  It is true that this will help you to maintain your average glucose level, but more critical than that is to thwart high spikes in glucose and

Modern Propaganda Machines! You would have read about the German propaganda during World War One that Germany needed war to fight against Britain’s expansionist policies & Russia’s betrayal. They used posters, books, and rallying cries to brainwash their citizens to physically and monetarily subscribe for war - with devastating results. That was then.  But, today’s propaganda machines are even worse. YouTube, Tick Tok and Instagram are so easily accessible to all -

Second Brain - More than just a Gut Feeling We know the importance of keeping our brain in shape (mental health) which is accountable for the quality and longevity of our existence on this blue planet. We continuously strive to improve brain function using brain teasers like crossword puzzles, sudoku, learning a new language, etc. Drawing, painting, music, jigsaw puzzles and even variable workout techniques have been known to improve cognitive (Neuro)

Weight Advice - A Touchy Subject! It’s not uncommon to notice that people - especially women - either get upset or feel awkward about unsolicited advice coming from friends and family about being overweight or underweight.  Many physicians are realising that such frequent advice coming from them can also upset their patients. For example, you visit a gynaecologist but be told to reduce your body weight otherwise ‘your knees will give way’

Diabetes - Could it be Chemicals and Pollutants? India is known to be the diabetic capital of the world?  In the early 1970s, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) study showed that only 2% of the urban population and 1% of individuals living in the rural areas had diabetes.  At that time diabetes was considered a ‘Migrant Indian Disorder’ as Indians living abroad (US, UK & South Africa) had double digit rates

Tell the World that You are Healthy & ready to Face it. ‘I am not finding time’ - ‘My health is fine’ - ‘It's too much of an effort’… Sounds familiar? Clearly, this isn’t coming from someone who is health conscious. These folks with their sedentary lifestyle, work related stress, food habits, etc.; causes concern, especially in the light of the medical consensus that regular exercise helps reduce the risk of heart

The Honey Trap Honey has the greatest standing in the marketplace of all food items. It’s a sweetener so natural with all the goodness that it has become an exalted treat for everyone over the millennia. But honey is also the perfect product to sell for profiteers who are secretly adulterating the world’s honey with cheap substitutes just because the supply is not able to meet the demand. This is because the 9000-year


The fabled fountain of youth has become a reality. Centuries ago, Ponce de Leon went chasing after it & started a trend that exists to this day. The waters of the Bahamas & Florida that de Leon believed could restore health & youth – although nice to swim in – didn’t quite cut it. You can also forget about finding the answer on some mountaintop.

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