The Dussehra Effect
Dussehra time is here to celebrate the historical victory – the power of good that triumphs over evil.
Eat, celebrate and repeat is the mantra that underscores the essential role of food during our joyous moments – the significance of which extends far beyond the realm of mere sustenance.
So… I ate, you ate, and we all ate! Ugh.., and if you are like most people – clothes have been fitting just a little bit tighter lately…. All that yummy food has found its home as extra body fat, throwing a wrench into your efforts to achieve and maintain that lean body.
But don’t worry. Hope is not far away. Now is the time for resolutions, changes, new beginnings, listening and learning.
And you don’t have to look very far to find the real solution to permanent fat loss. Just ask those in the fitness business who ‘practise what they preach’.
These folks will, without a doubt, tell you that they’ve changed their eating habits, reduced their dietary sugar-&-fat, and have continued exercising all along without falling prey to fad diets and fitness trends that often make unreasonable claims for quick weight loss and health benefits.
Life isn’t supposed to be comfortable always and the same goes for exercise and dieting too – but the results of a little pain could and would be much gain!
Zareer Patell – Black Belt, Personal/Online Fitness Trainer & Wellness Columnist (since 1972).