Hack for bread lovers
Bread has been a dominant portion of our standard diet since time immemorial - supplying a large fraction of energy needs to humans - and is packed with micro and macronutrients needed for survival and health.Bread is prepared from a dough of flour, usually wheat, which remains one of the oldest human-made foods since the dawn of agriculture dating back to some 14,500 years or more.However, processed bread (starch) is
Foolishly Wise
Middle aged men and first-timers who are new to exercise should tone down their high aspirations and expectations of getting into shape overnight. Instead, one must traverse gently along the path to moderate to vigorous intensity levels. It may take weeks and months for you to see results and feel better.Jumping on the fitness bandwagon, particularly CrossFit-like high-intensity functional movements may certainly create more harm than good - a “misadventure”
Science vs Industry
Today we know that the single most important risk factor and a precursor for cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, type two diabetes, many cancers, etc; is “insulin- resistance“. Do we have enough long term data to prove this? No, but people who are on low sugar and low processed food diet have shown improvement in their cardiovascular markers - they feel better, life gets better, and most of them have
“Observational Studies” – The New Wave of Confusion in Nutrition
Xylitol, a plant based sugar alcohol hitherto believed to be the safest sugar substitute has now turned out to be a badass for the heart and the brain according to a new study.Latest Mayo clinic study reveals a startling connection between energy drinks and sudden cardiac arrests.Drinking coffee is the way to longevity vs coffee leading to high cholesterol and coronary heart disease.Yet another study comes out to say that
Don’t get tricked by Food Labels
Food companies are always looking for new ways to trick their customers by exploiting food labels.All this has made a few of us turn into detectives in order to figure out the truth behind products and whether they are good for us and for our children as well.Many times it’s the packaging you see nowadays - portrayed as organic, directly from the farm - all wrapped in brown paper with
Muscle vs long distance running
After you turn 30 your body loses muscle mass at the rate of almost 1% every year. Meaning, by 50 you will have lost 20% or more in most individuals who don’t weight train their bodies.This loss of muscle (Sarcopenia) results in losing strength, shrinking in height and volume, poor gait, and under performance in your daily chores. The cumulative impact of all this means that, as you grow older,
Fat or Thin – it doesn’t matter!
Looking at today’s wellness we find chronic diseases so prevalent and yet the majority of us haven’t fully understood the methodology behind the treatment.If you have high triglycerides? Take fibrates - If your cholesterol is high (LDLs)? Use statins…Unfortunately, that’s where it ends for most of us. And that’s because, we haven’t worked enough to educate ourselves on how this whole thing works. It’s much more complex than that and
Deceptive French Paradox – The Red Wine
Light a candle and enjoy sipping and savouring a glass of red wine at night - and pair it with the food you best enjoy - it’s an amazing experience for many.But to think, believe, and say that this is good for your heart and longevity - is something that you should wait till you read this article (facts).So how did all this start? In the early nineties the “60
Do Women live longer than Men?
Yes, it is said that women tend to outlive men by at least five years. Referring to infant death rates, the newborn boys have a higher probability of dying early than newborn girls. Most probably, the reason could be a better developed immune system in women which protects them from infectious diseases - and of course, many other reasons that favours them as well.But the question is, do women (including
King to a Pauper
The proverb goes: Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.What if we say, instead: "Eat a late breakfast (or skip it), have lunch like a king, and dinner like a sane person.”Let’s see which one of the two makes sense for most of us? Read on …Wondered why the majority of us in our school days never liked to ram any food down