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“HIIT” or Hit on your joints? For most people in their 70s, “High Intensity Interval Training” (HIIT) is nothing new - for them, it's old wine in a new bottle carrying a new moniker. It all started as the new rave in the early 2000s and everybody started jumping onto this new HIIT bandwagon because of new fat-loss studies which were published then, seemingly showing better results with HIIT vs steady-state cardio

Early Detection - A Predictor of Longevity! People often ask “at what time in my life should I start taking purposeful steps to improve my health & wellness and consider longevity as my priority?” It is also understandable that people in their last decade of life spend most of their time thinking about their own mortality.  The answer, actually, is self-evident. if we really want to figure out how to live longer

Early Detection - A Predictor of Longevity! People often ask “at what time in my life should I start taking purposeful steps to improve my health & wellness and consider longevity as my priority?” It is also understandable that people in their last decade of life spend most of their time thinking about their own mortality.  The answer, actually, is self-evident. if we really want to figure out how to live longer

Walking - Morning, Evening, or Postprandial? Yes, make walking - a weight bearing exercise a part of your routine as it is considered great for overall health. Just 40 to 60 mts of brisk walk daily can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance.  Walking is low impact, and requires minimal equipment - it can be done at any time of the day (morning

Ageing - Browning and Dying Have you wondered why we turn dark and brown as we age - with skin discolouration, hyperpigmentation & dark spots - with wrinkles and reduced radiance? And  as ageing completes, we shrivel away and die. It’s the same thing that happens to a slice of bread when you toast it - it turns from white to brown - or when you roast a chicken, it turns

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas - May your every New Year dream come true  Ever wondered why Santa Claus is portrayed as round and podgy? It was Coca-Cola in the 1930s which changed the image of Santa from a thin-austere figure - based on the historical Saint Nicholas to a more jolly and a chubby Santa in their marketing campaign - only to associate their product with perceived happiness and festivity.  It’s beyond

“Dietary Fibre” is King! Yes, humans have lost the art of including fibre in their food over the last century. People have replaced high fibre foods like vegetables, fruits and whole grains with processed grains, factory food, sugar and meat proteins.  Farmers have bred fruits and vegetables to be bigger, tastier and perhaps with a lesser fibre content. Milling has removed the whole-grain contents of bread and bakery products. Meat has replaced

Allopathic Reductionism  &  Chronic Diseases These days chronic diseases are more prevalent than acute diseases - one of the reasons being - doctors are taught to read “numbers” and treat their patients accordingly.  People also use this band-aid-approach to treat themselves, all the time. It’s an easy approach, results are fast, everything gets under control (so it appears) - and both the parties, the doctor and the patient are happy.  This is the

Understanding Lipidology  (Long, yes, but easy read) Yes, diet is a significant factor that can increase or decrease cholesterol and triglyceride in your blood  - and since coronary heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world, many of us routinely get our lipid panel checked periodically. While some of the lab slips reach the doctor’s table, the rest of them that are self-assessed turn to dust.  To know

Women of Steel and 40 plus Grievance:  I am a quadragenarian using heavy weights, doing tons of strength training, using protein loading from natural sources, but I find it increasingly hard to remain injury free.” Answer: Not getting injured is what women over 40 should be focusing upon. This takes priority because injuries occur frequently in both genders as the quality of the tissues (muscles, ligaments and tendons) deteriorates as you age. The injuries


The fabled fountain of youth has become a reality. Centuries ago, Ponce de Leon went chasing after it & started a trend that exists to this day. The waters of the Bahamas & Florida that de Leon believed could restore health & youth – although nice to swim in – didn’t quite cut it. You can also forget about finding the answer on some mountaintop.

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