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Zareer Patell

Ageing – Browning and Dying

Have you wondered why we turn dark and brown as we age – with skin discolouration, hyperpigmentation & dark spots – with wrinkles and reduced radiance? And  as ageing completes, we shrivel away and die. It’s the same thing that happens to a slice of bread when you toast it – it turns from white to brown – or when you roast a chicken, it turns from pink to brown. This process of cooking and turning brown is the result of “glycation”.

Glycation is when reducing sugar molecules from the food we eat, that is fructose and glucose bind to proteins, lipids, or nucleic acids – resulting in advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that are responsible for browning and ageing. 

Humans from the moment we are born, we are slowly cooking in that same way on the inside – we are slowly glycating – we are slowly browning. And when we are fully glycated (Maillard reaction), we meet our end. For example, if you look at the cartilage of babies, it’s white – and if you look at the cartilage of someone who is very old, it’s brown in colour. 

So be aware of the fact that every ‘glucose spike’ increases glycation, increases cooking, and accelerates ageing. And this shows on your skin – you get wrinkles faster, your mitochondria (powerhouse of cells) gets tired and your organs slowly get damaged. 

So, in response to the ‘glucose spike’ the body produces insulin which is a good thing. Its job is to grab all the excess glucose molecules and store them away into your liver – into your muscles – and when they get full it sends them away into your fat cells – and that’s one of the reasons you gain fat on your body. 

However, the down side to the “insulin spikes” are the consequences. Too much of this hormone is the driver of type-2 diabetes, insulin resistance, heart problems, kidney problems, fatty liver, neuropathy and ageing. 

“Radiant Ageing” is to lean into the ageing process with grace and wisdom by cutting down on sugar, eating less, and exercising more often!

Zareer Patell

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The fabled fountain of youth has become a reality. Centuries ago, Ponce de Leon went chasing after it & started a trend that exists to this day. The waters of the Bahamas & Florida that de Leon believed could restore health & youth – although nice to swim in – didn’t quite cut it. You can also forget about finding the answer on some mountaintop.

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