“Dietary Fibre” is King!
Yes, humans have lost the art of including fibre in their food over the last century. People have replaced high fibre foods like vegetables, fruits and whole grains with processed grains, factory food, sugar and meat proteins.
Farmers have bred fruits and vegetables to be bigger, tastier and perhaps with a lesser fibre content. Milling has removed the whole-grain contents of bread and bakery products. Meat has replaced fibrous beans and lentils as the main source of proteins in many parts of the world – it’s a far cry from the veganism philosophy.
All along it has been our own doing – and undoing. We created non-alcoholic fatty liver disease which was unheard of prior to 1980s, and now India stands second to China in being the diabetes capital of the world – all this, because: A) We have lost fibre to processed food, B) Sugar intake has increased significantly since the 80s and some notable changes in the types of sugar consumed, as well.
Regrettably, even with the benefit of instant-knowledge availability, the majority of folks refuse to change their eating pattern, and that brings us to the need for the modern-day, pre-prandial, plant-based fibre supplements that seem to efficiently do their job in bringing down and/or even reversing (in some cases) the glucose tolerance, fatty liver, and inflammatory heart disease.
Some of the products that are available in the market are in the form of dried plant extracts containing the active ingredients that are created through the process of extraction and drying.
That said, a much better choice that comes to mind is Teestar* – a scientifically validated botanical ingredient containing the precise amount of soluble fiber that acts at three levels. A) in blood-glucose management by preventing post-prandial sugar spikes and fatty liver, B) in weight management – by acting as an appetite modulator by making you feel fuller faster, C) for coronary health – by controlling and slowing down the absorption of dietary fat and cholesterol in the small intestines.
Not only this, there is much more to it. Teestar offers the convenience of dosage too – there is no need for mixing powders with any other form of food or juice and is portable enough for people on the go.
Simply open the wrapper and chew two gummies that taste yummy – just a little before you start eating your meal – and voila! – you are good to go!
Zareer Patell