You see today’s modern women are constantly fighting the battle of the bulge using multiple fitness trends and diet mantras. They believe that these trends are born out of sheer necessity.
Preferred choices tend to be diet cokes/sodas instead of sugary drinks – black coffee in place of lattes – and some of them even believe that downing a glass full of fresh fruit juice is better than plain water (omg! – it’s the worst thing for your waistline and for your liver health).
Whether it’s fruit sugar, brown sugar, honey or table sugar – the sugar molecules are the same! So don’t be fooled into thinking that fruit juice is a healthier choice. Sugar is a pro-inflammatory food out there. Instead, having 4 to 5 servings (400g) of whole fruit would certainly help.
Rickety Skeleton
Diet sodas (diet coke) are no better. You may say “But, I drink my soda with no sugar.”
It doesn’t matter. Even sugar free sodas contain phosphoric acid. This is terrible for your teeth and bones. It leaches out calcium from your bones and increases the risk of osteoporosis, kidney stones and even kidney disease (long term use) – and is generally terrible for your health. Instead, iced tea (without sugar) is a better option.
More Junk Food
Studies also show that those who regularly have diet sodas tend to eat unhealthy as well – like, sodas with french fries and hamburgers. Since they have no calories, people on diet sodas overcompensate for all this by eating the wrong stuff all the time.
Diet sodas also prompt food cravings – especially in women and people with obesity. They have synthetic sweeteners in them which continue to encourage your brain to crave sweets and more food. Best thing is to stop having these all together. Over time your body will no longer crave sugar.
The Final Nail in the Coffin
Besides, you are putting artificial sugars (aspartame, saccharine, sucralose, etc.) into the living cells in your gut. What kind of justice is this? It’s like feeding dirt into your car’s engine. This will affect the gut bacteria (microbiome) – the immune system, and this in turn will affect your brain and your general health as well.
Black is Black (coffee)
“I want my baby back” – still remains a good option for many.
Zareer Patell – Black belt, Personal / Fitness Trainer and Wellness Columnist since (1972).