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About Me

The ‘Fitness Guru’ & ‘Jazz Pianist’ in the Nawab County

Hello, i’m

 The fabled fountain of youth has become a reality. The answer to that dream lies with the grand master of fitness – Mr. Zareer Patell, black belt – fitness trainer (since 1972) & trainer of trainers, columnist, & consultant on call – at Zareer Patell Fitness.

He was the person who brought Karate to the city in 1972, Aerobics in 1984, Cardio Kickboxing in 1999, & Taichi in 2000.

Zareer 2011

The Zareer Patell saga is a living proof that growing older chronologically isn’t the same as aging. At 71 plus years young, Zareer looks younger & runs the show with the energy of a 19-year-old. Pioneering Karate in the twin cities in 1973, & Aerobics in 1984, & Cardio Kickboxing in 1999, & Taichi (Chinese shadow boxing) in 2000, Zareer has set a standard of ‘Health & Fitness’ for all of us here – & needs no introduction. And what adds more dimension to his fit & impressive status is his 14 years of Pharma background & 30 years of teaching Aerobics, Martial Arts, Weight Training, Sports Conditioning & Taichi to thousands of students. Having worked for Smith Kline & French Pharmaceuticals, Zareer derived ample knowledge about the human body, diseases, medicine & nutrition, not to mention his marketing ability.

Born in 1952 in Secunderabad, Zareer took up two passions simultaneously, that is; Martial Arts cum Fitness & Western Classical Music. He is considered as the pioneer & a walking encyclopaedia on health & fitness. Thirty-five years hence, Zareer has carved a niche for himself as the most successful fitness trainer in Hyderabad. A black belt from the Okinawan Go-Ju Ryu Karate-do Federation, Bombay, Zareer took his lessons from Sensei Pervez Mistry, the legend of Karate in India. As he recalls, “No amount of commercialised fitness training programs can ever hold a candle to the rigorous training one goes through for years mastering Martial Arts”

Zareer 1985

It’s just not the years of experience that makes him special but also his ability to make you understand & explain in simple terms the importance of health & fitness. A regular fitness columnist & consultant on call in leading newspapers, Zareer has enlightened scores of readers on issues of fitness, medicine & nutrition & freed them from the shackles of mediocrity & inferiority, infusing in them a biological quality, generated by the health & fitness life-style.

in 1990 Zareer set up the city’s fitness facility at the Country Club. He has trained famous Telugu film stars in Karate & body sculpting & cross-trained national & international sportsmen in Tennis & Cricket.

And remember this; Zareer’s training insights are priceless. Nobody has the inside stuff like he does; And, if any should doubt the penetration of trainer Zareer Patell’s influence into Hyderabad’s fitness culture, then his various testimonials in leading newspapers & magazines must silence all, but the most skeptical. He has also been featured for 3 years on Gemini Television as an Aerobic trainer. His talks on health & fitness on the All India Radio – Hyderabad is nothing new.

Zareer 2011
Zareer 2009

Apart from the traditional aerobics & weight training sessions that he conducts, Zareer, also pioneered a new system of aerobics called, Cardio Kickboxing, as a variant to a normal routine. The ‘Karate-Chop’, once a vibrant part of Hollywood action films, is seeing a revival amongst children & teens in form of Cardio Kickboxing. Kickboxing combines Karate & boxing moves in an aerobic step mode. It provides a full body workout, emphasizing lower body balance, upper body tone & abdominal strength, set to high-energy music. “This is it! The strongest fat-burning workout fit for the millennium – that’s fast, fun & furious. You’ll need to learn how to stand, make a fist, punch & kick & move with music. You will also learn the technique & philosophy behind moves. This makes it interesting & challenging. 

 And…just when you think that you know every thing about Zareer, you discover that he is a trained pianist having a Higher Local degree in western classical music from the Trinity College of Music, London. “I started my journey into the world of music rather late. I was 14 years old but fell in love with the piano from day one & within four years completed my eight grade with merits,” reveals Zareer.

A consummate master of musical technique & mastery, Zareer has given numerous jazz performances here as well as abroad. He has also recorded & composed music for a host of jingles & television series. He is also a sought-after music tutor & teaches for a select few & gives special emphasis on technique in improvisation & creativity.

His stint in France made him tap his full potential as a Jazz pianist.  “ I like western classical music & enjoy its richness. But jazz is the medium through which I can express my technique freely. When I am playing at my best, it is a moving thing to experience emotionally & intellectually the vigor & force of simple jazz, the complexities of the phrases, the runs & arpeggios”, quips the pianist. Though this kind of music may not appeal to many, it doesn’t bother the fitness trainer & musician. “I do not mind playing to a few as long as they understand the soul of jazz,” he says honestly.

Fitness Curriculum includes:


The fabled fountain of youth has become a reality. Centuries ago, Ponce de Leon went chasing after it & started a trend that exists to this day. The waters of the Bahamas & Florida that de Leon believed could restore health & youth – although nice to swim in – didn’t quite cut it. You can also forget about finding the answer on some mountaintop.

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 20:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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