A bowl full of fruits is considered healthy for the body as it provides a range of nutrients and antioxidants including flavonoids that can boost overall health. Besides, fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, and they are high in fibre as well.
As they say, eating fruits and vegetables can reduce a person’s risk of developing heart disease, cancer, inflammation and diabetes. Most diabetologists say, fruits are allowed in diabetes as fruits have high fibre content and we all know that fibre in food slows down the release of sugar in the food you eat, hence preventing insulin spikes as well.
That’s one way of justifying it. But the other school of thought say: “Why should I, as a known diabetic on ‘medication, need ‘fibre coming from fruits (sugar) to regulate my blood sugar when I can get plenty of fibre from other sources?” Because, a bowl full of fruits is also a bag full of sugar. Natural, unnatural, or processed – sugar is sugar! This fruit sugar will also contribute towards the blood sugar spikes, and if you go overboard with fruits all the time just because fruits have been given a green signal in diabetes, then think again – This could be the beginning of poor metabolic health, in the long term.
However, If you are happy to continue taking your diabetes medications then go ahead and take your fruits in abundance. But if you are serious in reversing diabetes (insulin resistance) and determined to put an end to popping your pills daily, then you need to avoid that bowl full of fruits, especially during the first meal of the day.
The thing is, we’ve been brainwashed to think that you are healthier when you are on medications – You are healthy only when you have managed to reverse your diabetes and no longer need to take your daily medications.
When you have sugar cravings (as we all do) – substitute fruits for sweets – it’s a healthier choice.
Take fruits as a whole (not fruit juices) in small quantities and preferably after a meal – the meal acts as a buffer to the sugar.